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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Average Summoner's Guide to Pink Wards in 3.14

I've seen a lot of people lately complaining about the Vision (pink) ward changes that launched with patch 3.14, chiefly the concern that they're ineffective due to not having stealth gets repeated ad nauseam. Personally I've had very positive experiences with vision wards in the preseason and have come to absolutely love them, so I thought I'd create a helpful little guide.
Now this is not a god tier guide to warding. it's not DoubleBjergsenMoo's guide to warding. This is not guaranteed to work at high elo, nor is it indicative of what we'll see in competitive play when the Battle of the Atlantic erupts later this month. This is purely some preseason helpful tips from an average player, to help all my fellow painfully average players get a leg up. With that said cue the map Phil!

The first thing you'll notice is that there are numbers on this map, I'll get to those in a second, the other thing you'll notice is that it's a map from 3.13 but that's okay as the relevant bushes were not changed in the 3.14 patch.

  1. The bush beyond the enemy's red buff. If you can get it without being noticed this is probably the most efficient vision ward placement possible. Dropping it on the edge of the bush gives you sight of the enemy jungler doing their red buff as well as enemy laners transitioning through their jungle. This bush is rarely walked through and combined with the fact that vision wards no longer time out you can sometimes get over 20 minutes of knowledge for the price of 100g and a lvl 1 red invade. 
  2. Bottom side tribush. This spot is an excellent place to drop a pink ward for the blue side duo-lane. I've had pink wards in this bush last upwards of 10 minutes. This spot is easily defended and does wonders to prevent ganks. Best part, the 5 hit vision ward takes so long to clear that you force the enemy jungle into a no win situation. He can clear the ward and sacrifice any chance of his gank succeeding, or he can leave the ward and go for the gank that will still likely fail due to his presence being seen, potentially allowing the ward to be defended and prevent subsequent gank attempts. Without prior knowledge and concentrated effort this ward is hard for the enemy team to clear making it well worth the 100g.
  3. Top side tribush. Much like it's bottom lane counter part this ward goes a long way towards preventing ganks and giving high reward for the cost. It deserves it's own separate place to denote however that due to the nature of a solo lane the ward is slightly harder to defend than the blue side version. 
  4. Bottom lane Purple tribush. Not a particularly efficient spot but worth an early placement if you've decided to (or been forced to) 1v2. Placing the ward here will give you warning that the enemy jungle is setting up for a 3v1 dive and give you time to back out. Bonus points if the jungler stops to clear your ward it means your tower stays up an instant longer and your team gets that extra bit to make plays elsewhere on the map. 
  5. See 4, I have no idea why I didn't just combine these two spots when I was drawing on the map. I guess take a break, sit back, relax. Good? Okay lets get back to it. 
  6. Dragon/Baron control. Not a particularly good use of the new vision wards. It is good to deny vision of Dragon/Baron and if you have no other option a pink ward will do the job, but the Sweeping Lens (red) trinket will do the same job without using up your 1 pink ward per map and possibly forcing you to lose vision elsewhere. 
  7. Lane bush control. Much like number six this is a vision ward placement you only want to do if you really have to. Clearing enemy wards to create a path for your jungler is worth the extra 25g for sure, but you'd get much more benefit out of sweeping the wards with a red trinket and using your pink elsewhere. 
These placements have helped me get the absolute most out of my vision wards so far this preseason, hopefully others find them useful as well. If you happen to find any other spots that give you good value from your vision wards let me know, I'm always looking to improve. 

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