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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

FantasyLCS week 10, Who Do I Start?

With two weeks to go we're down to the wire on FantasyLCS and so it's out with just the risky picks and now it's time to talk about anyone who's a good bet this week.

In EU:

Fnatic and Alliance are generally pretty good bets in EU. This week though they face off against each other and it's generally not smart to bet on both sides of the coin if you cant ensure it'll be a back and forth points explosion like some of the more ridiculous Crs vs C9 games. Fnatic vs Alliance could be a barn burner, it could be a 1 sided stomp, it's hard to tell in advance. Both teams are safe bets so if you're not stuck deciding between them I'd be confident in either set of players. If you're forced to choose between an Alliance player and Fnatic player though, I'd say run the Fnatic player as they're on a bigger up swing as both team and players right now.

ROCCAT and SHC members are both looking good this week for the same reason. Both teams look for the most part on the upswing, despite ROCCAT's score they did play much better last week than in previous weeks, and both face a struggling SK and a floundering Gambit.

Finally there's Millenium who while not having the easiest schedule this week, they face Fnatic on day 2, are generally good bets. Creaton was the highest scoring player last week, both Creaton and Kerp still sit as 2 of the highest total points generators for FantasyLCS. It's hard to ever discount them as good picks.

In NA:

LMQ are top of the table and ridiculous points generators. XiaoWeiXiao and Vasilii round out the top 5 total points scorers for FantasyLCS. Less talked about though is support Mor who has been quite the incredible scorer lately including over 44 points last week as a support. On top of their habit of generating lots of points LMQ also has a decent schedule facing CoL, who they're 3-0 over so far, and C9 who they've gone 1-2 against so far in close games.

If you believe in Curse's whackadoodle ability to womp top teams this is probably the time to start them as they face CLG (2-1) and EG (1-2) this week. But remember it's a risk if the good curse shows up you can expect Voyboy, Quas, and Dominate to top the points for the week much like they did last week, if the bad curse shows up though you can expect abysmal single digit numbers.

TSM is a big question mark this week. They face CLG (1-2) who's been slumping recently and EG (3-0) so in theory they should at least hit decent numbers. It's hard to predict though as they've made a roster change bringing in former Blaze support Lustboy. What is for certain though is BENCH GLEEB! Since Gleeb is no longer starting he wont score you any points, time to grab up someone else until Lustboy becomes available for use next week.

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